Have you ever heard about Spanglish?

Have you ever heard about Spanglish?Spanglish is a hybrid of Spanish and English that mainly Latinos living in the USA use.Spanglish is slightly different from place to place. It's spoken in Gibraltar (it's called Llanito there), but ma... read

How can I learn a foreign language?

How can I learn a foreign language?Studying a new language, making new friends, communicating with different parts of the world... Are you looking forward to it all? Here are some recommendations on what you can do to make it happen!... read

Some good reasons to learn Arabic!

Some good reasons to learn Arabic!Arabic, as part of the Semitic languages, is a very ancient language. As a result, it has had a strong influence on many other languages. For some of you, you can be sure that you use several Arabic w... read
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