Importance of learning a second language

Importance of learning a second languageIn our global society of today most people are aware of the advantages of learning a foreign language. It is interesting to note that almost fifty percent of European Union citizens speak a second lan... read

Compare English Language Test Scores

Compare English Language Test ScoresInternational students at all levels may be interested in taking an official English test to measure or prove their English level. They sometimes attend specific classes such as an IELTS Preparation c... read

Study Spanish abroad - which country to choose?

Study Spanish abroad - which country to choose?There are some myths about the differences between studying Spanish in Spain or South America. They say that the differences are so great that choosing one place will exclude you from the other. Well,... read

Germany is a country full of treasures

Germany is a country full of treasuresGermany full of history with incredible architecture, cities, sea, mountains, and constantly moving and historic small towns. Come to us! Read about this country and its treasures. ... read

Some tips for your means of payment abroad

Some tips for your means of payment abroadCheques, Travellers cheques, credit card, withdrawing money from an ATM... What is the best way to pay when you are abroad?There are often several details that we forget when for example we buy a litt... read
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