Learn Modern arabic
Study Arabic with Nacel! We offer you the unique opportunity to learn Arabic in Tetouan. Study Arabic in Morocco! Not only will you learn the Arabic language, you'll also discover a rich culture and history.
Our Language Program covers all ages and you can learn more about Arabic literature and traditions. After your daily Arabic lessons at school, take a stroll through the streets of Tetouan. Taste the wonderful Moroccan dishes. Enjoy Morocco!
Why learn Arabic?
During the Middle Ages, Arabic was a major language for culture, especially in science, mathematics, and philosophy. Many European languages therefore have also borrowed numerous words from it, especially Spanish and Portuguese.
Arabic is spoken in Morocco, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, the Palestinian territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, Yemen, among others.
It doesn't matter if you want to learn Arabic because:
- Do you listen to Arabic music?
- Do you like Arabic calligraphy?
- Do you participate in an oriental dance course?
- Wishing to read the Quran in Arabic?
- Do you study Middle Eastern history?
- Do you intend to travel to Morocco or Egypt for holidays?
- Do you like Lebanese cooking?
- Do you need to translate something from English to Arabic?
Coming to learn Modern Arabic in Morocco with Nacel is the best way to improve your language.
Get to know our Language School. Invest in your education, and learn Modern Arabic with us.
Hundreds of students have already traveled with Nacel. You too are welcome in the Nacel family!
Would you like to learn how to speak Modern Arabic?
Learning Arabic will offer you greater opportunities for your future career and open your eyes to another world! Classified as a Central Semitic language, Arabic is closely related to Hebrew and Aramaic. Modern Arabic is classified as a macrolanguage with several sub-languages.
These varieties are spoken throughout the Arab world and Standard Arabic is widely studied and known throughout the Islamic world. Modern Standard Arabic derives from Classical Arabic. "Colloquial Arabic" is a collective term for the spoken varieties of Arabic used throughout the Arab world, which differ radically from the literary language.
Many words in English are derived from Arabic, among them are commonly-used words like "sugar", "cotton" and "magazine". Arabic grammar is quite complicated: nouns in Literary Arabic have:
- three grammatical cases (nominative, accusative and genitive);
- three numbers (singular, dual and plural);
- two genders (masculine and feminine)
- three "states" (indefinite, definite, and construct).
Envisioning Modern Arabic fluency? How do you learn Modern Arabic quickly? Well, it takes a lot of dedication, explore these tips to elevate your language skills:
- Daily practice ritual: allocate a few minutes each day to podcasts, series, or articles in the language you're learning, no matter your preference.
- Relate to your reality: learn words that help you in your daily life and vocabulary that is useful for your goal. If you want to travel, try to learn phrases that will help you on your journey. Or is it for work? What phrases do you use to write an email or answer a phone call? Link the learning to your current goal.
- Keep notes: it doesn't matter if it's on your cell phone, notebook, or computer, but get into the habit of writing new words or phrases. This will help your memorization.
- Use the resources at your disposal: whether it's online classes, language apps, or study groups. There are many ways to practice. See which one interests you most and get started.
- Formal learning: although there are many ways to experience the language in everyday life, it is very important to make time to learn in a structured way.
- Consistency mantra: Immersion is vital for language fluency, so choose your method and stick to it consistently.
Expedite your language learning using these valuable tips. Envision consolidating them to advance your language proficiency while living abroad, studying, and indulging in the local culture. Let Nacel be your companion on this exciting journey!
What tests prove proficiency in Modern Arabic?
Universities and companies widely use proficiency tests. They consist of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Here are the tests of proficiency in Modern Arabic:
- • ALPT: The Arabic Language Proficiency Test consists of five sections: listening, reading, structure, writing and speaking.
- • MLAT: The Modern Language Aptitude Test analyzes an individual's knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and listening comprehension.
- AAPPL: ACTFL Arabic Testing looks at speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. There are four levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Superior.
So, are you convinced? Choose our Language School. Nacel is here to help you achieve your goals. Learn Modern Arabic in Morocco now.
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Would you like to know some good reasons to learn Arabic? Read our Blog Post now.
Don't waste any more time. Learn Modern Arabic with Nacel, a company with over 60 years of experience. Book now.
Learn Arabic now with Nacel!
Study Modern Arabic with Nacel! We offer our students opportunities to learn how to speak Arabic.
Teenagers and adults looking for an intensive course will choose our Arabic School in Tetouan.
Discover now our offer to learn Arabic abroad!