Live with a welcoming Canadian host family and go to a local Canadian High School thanks to our homestay and High School integration program in Canada!
This is a non-credited program that allows pupils to live a firsthand living experience in Canada, for a duration of 8 to 16 weeks. Even though this is a cultural program, students attend a local school and participate in class assessments, in order to enrich their English knowledge. This is a great introductory program for those interested in completing a full academic year at a later stage.
Highlights of the program:
- The aim of this program is to discover the Canadian school system, and to experience social integration with Canadian teenagers.
- The student is exempt from doing homework and taking examinations, and it is generally not possible to transfer credits to the home school.
- Students are placed with warm and welcoming volunteer Canadian families, who are looking for an intercultural experience.
- Students have a 24/7 Hotline.