You have chosen Argentina as a Spanish-speaking destination for your High School Abroad programs? Or do you still hesitate in your choice of destination and wish to be convinced? You are at the right place. Learn more about your daily life as an exchange student in Argentina

Your daily life with your host family in Argentina

Family life is very important in Argentina. You will be warmly welcomed by the extended family and everyone will want to make sure you feel at ease and comfortable in the family.

Meal time is central to family life. It is an important social moment: it is not only about eating but also about conversing, sharing time together, and discussing politics! Soccer games can also be part of the favorite topics. Take the time to share meals with your family and expect meal time to last longer than what you are used to. Try to participate in conversations as much as you can. It may even happen that people around the table will share their plates! This is meant to reinforce bonds within the family.

Do not hesitate to embrace the tradition of the daily siesta, when family members return home from work or school midday to enjoy lunch and a refreshing nap.

Your High School exchange in Argentina

Just like anywhere else, every family in Argentina is unique. However, Argentines are typically warm, affectionate, and deeply family-oriented. In Argentina, they greet each other with a kiss on the cheek and a hug, even when meeting for the first time. So, you can expect a warm hug as soon as you arrive at the airport!

You’ll likely experience a close-knit household: grandparents often live in the same home. You will also get to know the extended family: aunts, uncles, cousins. Thanks to your host family you may discover the natural and historical attractions of your area as well as Argentinean traditions. Living with an Argentinean family is an authentic and enriching experience.

Your daily life in your high school in Argentina

Education in Argentina is open to everyone, non-religious, and diverse. Religion is not taught in most schools, except in some religious ones.

The school year begins in early March and ends in early December, with a 2-week winter break in July. There are usually two or three exam periods per year. You have a long summer break from mid-December to early March, lasting about 2.5 months!

Most students commute to school by bus, bike, or occasionally by car with their host parents. Before classes begin, students take part in an important tradition called "el saludo de la bandera" (the salute to the flag). In this ritual, all students gather quietly in the main hall as two students raise the Argentine flag. In some schools, the national anthem is also sung, adding to the sense of pride and unity.

Your typical day at school will look this way:

  • In the mornings (8 am to 1 pm) you will usually focus on core curriculum, like Spanish, Hispanic Literature, Math, Physics, Social Sciences, History, etc.)
  • In the afternoons, you would usually study special classes, or do sports, cultural or artistic activities. You may also just meet with your friends.

Note that some schools rather teach from 1.30 pm to 6 pm!
Some schools, particularly bilingual ones, have classes the whole day; in this case, students have lunch at school. Otherwise, students return home for lunch.
You stay in the same classroom for the whole half day and teachers rotate.

Go to High School in Argentina!

High school education is divided into two stages:

• Lower secondary: General education for all students.
• Upper secondary: Students choose a specialization (Humanities and social sciences, Economy, Biology, or Art)
All subjects are mandatory throughout every school year. Schools have core subjects for all students, along with specific subjects based on their specialization.

Most secondary schools attended by exchange students in Argentina are public or semi-private, with the option to enroll in private schools for an additional program fee. In many Argentine schools (but not all of them), wearing a uniform is mandatory.

What are the benefits of a High School Abroad in Argentina?

If you choose to do your High School exchange program in Argentina, you will immerse yourself in a unique mix of Latin American and European influences, as well as discover Argentinean customs like tango dancing, passionate fútbol matches, and the relaxing siesta.

The benefits are not only cultural or even linguistic: you will for sure boost your Spanish skills and reach fluency. You will also become bi-cultural and have a deep understanding of the culture and lifestyle of Argentina. You will also build a strong relationship with an extended Argentinean family, who will hopefully lat for a lifetime. 

You may also have a chance to explore the natural wonders of the country like Iguazú Falls, Perito Moreno Glacier, and Rainbow Mountain. You may also visit historical cities and countryside villages. 

Last but not least you will live authentic Argentinean experiences: Participate in the daily ritual like “el saludo de la bandera” in your school or share a mate (a traditional tea) with your new friends.


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